Home Cravings and Heavy Lifting

You know the feeling when you walk into a place that feels like home?

Everyone knows it.  Everyone craves it.  Everyone needs and loves that feeling.

We found that by walking into CrossFit Canmore last week.  The instant we walked in we were greeted by name from Coach Carson Sander, with a smile so big it encompassed the whole city block and enough energy to blast our sails for weeks.  There was absolutely no turning back or denying ourselves, nor Carson, now.

A bit of history.  I had the bright idea of writing about our travels over the next year while committing to a CrossFit tour of sorts – well of magnitude really – starting in our home town.   It’ll be fun they said – this time “they” is me! My plan over the next year while travelling is, two fold really – workout across Canada and the United States and write about it.  This not only reports our travel progress as well as keeps us in a shape, other than round, along the way.  My plan also includes my strong, steady but, sometimes swayed Fiancé, Craig.  Even though he may protest a smidge at the onset of even the thought of the class but usually ends up thankful in the end.  We’re hoping for a home away from home feeling while we explore new world terrain.

After a short but sweet, mixed with a bit of upside down wall walk sour, warmup we were off to the races.  A race, that I might add, neither of us have participated in for a couple of years.  There were a couple of “loving” sideways glances from Craig –successfully conveying the powerful and concrete message of “what have we done?!”  I just smiled then found my way back to the assault bike to scare my doubts away one pedal stroke at a time.

The participants were beyond welcoming, which is pure and true CrossFit style and we even had a few good laughs within our communal suffering.  The icebreaker question at the beginning, “what’s your name and your favourite dessert?” while we were attempting to include a bit of juicy mobility in our life, added to the motivation and the amount of saliva in our mouths.  In case you’re wondering my answer was sticky toffee pudding.  It definitely got the conversation and energy going to prepare us for the grind ahead.  Throughout the whole workout you could see and feel the comradery, respect and the love of the sport within the room.

I can confidently say that the whole experience was a sweet shining success.  I even got a sincere “thank you for dragging me and I’m glad we went” from Craig in the end.  My job was done.  Well at least until the next drop in class along our journey!

Lessons learned – Do not workout extremely hard and then sit in a truck and drive for a few days. GET OUT AND STRETCH.


Step Back and Stay Close

Sometimes in order to move forward we must take a step back.

– yours truly

Lets take that step back together. Back to the basics of the meaning of words.

We all grow up and continue to be surrounded by different walls, surrounded by a different group of people, with unique experiences that shape us, in a different physical location in a culture within cultures. There is no possible way that your interpretation of a word is the exact same as mine or even members of your own family.  Even my lovely sister who grew up in the same household will have a whole other set of descriptive words for the same word.

An example – love.  A very commonly used word that holds intense feelings and a stigma with it.  But what precisely does it mean to you?

Take a minute and jot down the first 5 words and feelings that come to your mind.  Seriously, use your phone or grab a good old-fashioned pen and paper and give it a whirl.

Go with your gut instinct, do not analyze and do not hold back. Dig deep and reach for those thoughts and take the time to relish in the memories it brings up as well.   When you’re done come back to me and keep reading below.

No jumping ahead!

To prove my point, the 5 thoughts and feelings in my soul surrounding the word love are as follows:

  • whole
  • passion
  • comfort
  • security
  • home

Pretty incredible isn’t it? Sure there may be a couple of shared words but, for the most part the words are different.  The best part about it is that is ok and perfectly acceptable.  Lets always celebrate our differences and similarities in this space and every day.

The intent of this exercise is to remind us to take that step back and remember that everyone that crosses our path has a different view of the world, even down to the simplest of words. Please remember this in the next conversation you have with your best friend, parent, a business partner, your life partner or even a stranger.  If you want to take it one step further, because I know all of you reading this are curious beings, ask your spouse, sibling or anyone close to you to try this exercise again with you and pick a few words to explore.  Take the time to seek understanding and be patient – what’s the worst the could happen?   By taking a curious approach in life and asking the question “what does this mean to you?” we broaden our perspective and exercise our brains at the same time.   Which may in the end bring you even closer!

Feel free to share your 5 words with me in the comment section below.  I’d love to have a glimpse into the meaning of your word love.

Stay close my friends.


To the incredible man, who I thank my lucky stars for every morning and night,  that I am eager to start each and every day with. Who I might add is just reading this for the first time as I added this after his proof read of my first stab at my blog – sneaky I know.  Surprise – you’re my next post!

You make me feel weightless in a heavy world.

Thank you for this love which cannot ever be described or fathomed, only sensed on a level I had never known and only hoped actually existed.

I believe, to the depths of my soul, that the world would be an even more beautiful place if everyone felt and lived this love. It is my hope that all of our loved ones feel it or have felt it at least once in their lives.  One of my goals in life is to help my young nieces discover this elusive feeling and teach them that it does exist and to patiently wait for it – it’s worth the journey and sometimes painful life experience.

Thank you for embracing my quirky, particular, random self and being a true gentleman in every sense of the word.  I appreciate your natural, goofy, loveable and gentle soul. Thank you for seeing and meeting me where I am. For showing up for me every day and not only holding me but, raising me up when I just don’t feel I have it in me. For being scared, raw and real but, inevitably coming closer and only squeezing me tighter into your safe embrace.

I am so thankful you are able to read me like the name of the wind as though you have known no other. You are a man of utmost integrity and honor. You hold exceptional values and impress me with your intelligence in every possible moment. Every single day you make me incredibly proud, you inspire and teach me, with only love and positivity that undeniably radiates from you.

You are my favorite.

And so it begins.

Welcome to the inner workings of a freckled free spirit. This will be an eclectic collection of thoughts, concerns, questions, stories, trials and tribulations!

I was that child who constantly asks why and thankfully that has never left me.  I have always felt different in this world. I have taken pride in myself for not being quite like the majority – being adopted, left handed, having freckles, being taller and bigger than most women, being an outdoorsy tom boy type. Who I might add loves surfing, bagpipes, 4x4ing, horses, fireworks, silversmithing and amusement rides, among many other random things!

I still do feel unique but, also blessed that I can collectively identify with so many groups of people these days. I have learned to embrace being the same on some level and connecting with people deeper than just skimming the polite foamy surface.  You know that moment in conversation when you immediately click with someone and say “I do/feel/say/see that way too” with an eager grin on your face?  I thrive on those moments and I will strive to give you those moments on this screen.

At the end of the day I can rest assured knowing that I have made you question things as they are, things as you see and feel them to start a bigger conversation with yourself and the world around you. To know that you are never alone no matter how different you may feel on the inside or look on the outside – we in the end are all truly the same.  We are born and then we die.  It’s simply how we make other beings in this world feel in between our bitter sweet and precious time that ultimately matters.  I will do my absolute best to lead by example by continuing to grow and evolve as a human being to continuously step outside of my comfort zone.  I will keep writing, reaching out and putting myself out there to challenge, entertain and potentially spark something in your outer reaches previously untouched and shied away from.

I look forward to your questions, suggestions, ideas and encourage you to reach out to me. I am thankful that I have developed thick skin over the years but, find myself sitting here behind the keyboard feeling naked yet heavily cloaked with vulnerability and shaking with excitement, fear and self judgment. But never fear I am tremendously blessed to be surrounded by people who, though they may not always understand or agree, have supported and encouraged me constantly to the step out on that intimidating limb.  Even when it breaks, they watch me learn to fly over and over again and at times they provide their solid wings to continue my journey on.  Which are always accompanied with a silent, gentle, comforting smile.  For them, I am eternally grateful.

My incredible parents have always believed I tried to be friends with, include and make everyone happy…and they were correct – now how about this ultimate lofty goal for the world to see?

I’m ready to fly – care to join?